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Louis Boucher Pilcher 5.14.2011 – 12.27.2024

Where is Louie? Where is my Louie? Louie is running free.

In July of 2011 we brought Louie home. He was eight weeks old. He grew into our hearts with his spirited ways and became entwined in our lives. Somehow he seemed to know intuitively what we were thinking. And knew how to bring comfort. Louie always stood by.

On our great escapes into the outdoors, Louie walked between us off leash, ever aware with his nose in the air. We hiked in the mountains and deserts and he ran free on beaches. He especially loved the beach, walking through tide pools sniffing a world different than he knew.

Louie kept us safe, always with a watchful eye. You know, you can never trust the a letter carrier or UPS driver walking up to the front door. But he was a lover boy who made friends easily. In fact, he introduced us to some of our best friends. Even Alex who was afraid of dogs since childhood warmed up to Louie. Louie’s favorite new people were Kevin and Mary, and Mary spoiled him with a new toy almost every visit.

His favorite people were Uncle Bob who introduced him to the concept of stairs. And then there was the Chain Gang. A motley group of his Dad’s cohorts. Mark and Sue, and Marilynn and Ron, oh what a fun dog loving crew!

He had favorite dog friends, too. Willie, the first Catahoula. Irving, his bigger brother. Pokie, his favorite girlfriend. And Sophie, the elegant poodle. And he loved his little sister Kili, a Siamese cat who spent her days thinking of ways to play and torment her younger brother.

Our hearts are broken to lose our best buddy, but he will always be with us for all the ways he made our lives better.

In September, we brought home an 8 week old Catahoula pup, we named Sage. Louie was a bit annoyed, but up for the challenge of guiding the new family member. . .

. . . I only knew my big brother for 115 days, but it didn’t take long to see he was quite the Catahoula. Wow! Louie was regal. . .I think he was actually the King of the North. Mama made him a really cool coat like Jon Snow wore on Game of Thrones. Louie wore it on Halloween (because mama liked Jon Snow), while I was a silly yellow bumble bee (sigh).

Louie got special privileges too, just like a King. For one thing, he got to sit on the sofa and watch TV at night. And another, he got treats while mama and dad ate dinner. He always walked in front on the way to the coffee shop, Hyde Perk. He always got his dinner first, too. I guess you earn that stuff. . .

Louie had an attitude about playing fetch with Dad. Dad would throw the ball. I would run to get it and bring it back then drop it at Dad’s feet. Louie would then sniff the ball to make sure it was OK. That’s all Louie did!

The lore on Louie is long and full of magic.


I heard he “borrowed” mama’s AMEX and traveled around the world. Imagine that! He even went snow boarding, surfing and mountain climbing.


He hiked and backpacked all of Arizona and most of Colorado and loved the beach.


He helped mom train for two half marathons. She finished both.


He would meditate, sometimes with mama and sometimes with dad. And was really good at down dogs.


Louie also helped everyone when they were feeling blue. Mom had major conversations with him and dad told him everything.


For years, dad and Louie would go for 5 mile walks, off leash through neighborhoods and visit “grass nirvana” (Biltmore Golf Course) and then Hava Java coffee.

I know I’m goofy, uncoordinated and have freakishly huge paws, but in time I’ll live up to your expectations and proudly maintain our Catahouligan traditions. Big bro, I promise to take care of Mama and Dad. No worries.


Louis Boucher Pilcher 5.14.2011 – 12.27.2024


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